
The 领导 Capstone course is one of four courses students must complete to earn the 领导 Certificate at graduation.

As part of the 领导 Capstone course, each student selects a topic (与领导力相关) that she will explore during her 领导 Capstone semester and works closely with an Advisor from the school’s 教师, 职员或行政人员.

通过主要和次要的研究 (以及见习或实习的机会),学生在这个话题上深入挖掘. 最后的产品是一个30分钟的演讲. 除了, all students present a shorter version of their slide deck at a 领导 Capstone Presentation and Reception to which parents, 教师, staff, 政府, 和领导力学者在年轻的班级被邀请.

A list of all previous 十大最大的网络彩票平台 领导 Capstone topics is below.
